Short Sandhya Vandanam


Right hand position - little-ring-middle fingers stretched, index finger bent inwards forming hollow

Put Small quantity of water in the hollow of right hand, say the line, drink. Repeat for the 3 lines
1. Om Achutaya Namaha
2. Om Ananthaya Namaha
3. Om Govindaya Namaha
4. (Wash hands and mouth)

Mantras for different parts of body (Use right hand only)
1. Thumb on Right  Cheek - Om Keshavaya Namaha
2. Thumb on Left Cheek - Om Narayanaya Namaha

3. Ring Finger on Right Eye - Om Madhavaya Namaha
4. Ring Finger on Left Eye - Om Govindaya Namaha

5. Index Finger on right nostril - Om Vishnave Namaha
6. Index Finger on left nostril - Om Madhusudhanaya Namaha

7. Little Finger on Right Ear - Om Trivikramaya Namaha
8. Little Finger on Left Ear - Om Vamanaya Namaha

9. Middle Finger on Right Shoulder - Om Sridharaya Namaha
10. Middle Finger on Left Shoulder - Om Hrishikeshaya Namaha

11. All Fingers on navel -  Om Padmanabaya Namaha
12. All Fingers on top of head - Om Damodharaya Namaha


Cover nostrils with ring finger and thumb
Cover left nostril, breathe in and out with right nostril.
Cover right nostril, inhale/exhale  with left nostril

Cover left nostril, inhale and mentally say following
   1. Om Bhuh, Om Bhuvah, Om Suvaha. Om Mahaha, Om Jahah. Om Tapah. Om Satyam
   2. Om Saviturvarenyum. Bargo Devasya Dhimahi. Dhiyo yo nah Prachodayah.
   3. Om Apah. Jyothi Rasah. Amritam Brahma. Bhurbhuvasuvarom.

(Touch Right ear) OM


Right hand covers left hand on right thigh
1. Sri Bhagavad-ajnaya Sriman Narayana Prithyartdham Pratah Sandyam Upasisye


For Morning & noon - stand, for evening, sit
Count with phalanges
Counting hand held at neck level (morning), chest (noon), navel (evening) and covered by garment

5. DIKDEVATA VANDANAM Salutations to the Directional Gods)

Face East - oM praachyai dishe namaH 
Face South - oM dakshiNaayai dishe namaH
Face West - oM pratiichyai dishe namaH
Face North - oM udiichyai dishe namaH
(Salutations to Gods in all directions)

(Face East for Rest)
Palms folded ABOVE head - oM uurdhvaaya namaH
Palms folded DOWNward - oM adharaaya namaH
(Salutations to Gods above and Below)

Palms folded ABOVE head - oM antarikshaaya namaH
Palms folded DOWNward - oM bhuumyai namaH
(Salutations to Atmosphere and Ground)

Palms folded above head - oM Brahmane namaH
Palms folded STRAIGHT -  oM vishhNave namaH
Palms folded STRAIGHT - oM Yamaaya namaH
 (Salutations to Brahma, Vishnu and Yama)

6. ABHIVATHAYE (stand, hands covering both ears)

Abhivathaye   (this as my introduction)
Vashistha, Maitravaruna, Koundinya, Traiya Rishiye (the 3 Rishis)
Koundinya Gothrasya (Gotra)
Aapasthambha Suthraha (manner of ritual performance rituals by yajur veda)
Yajus saakhaa Adhyaayai (Branch of Veda)
Sri Hari Srinivasan sarma Nama aham asmi (My name is Hari Srinivasan)
Boho (salutation)


shriiraNga maNgaLa nidhiM karuNaanivaasam.h
shr iveNkaTaadri shikharaa-laya kaala-megham.h |
shrii-hasti-shaila shikha-roj-vala paari-jaatam.h
shrii-shaM namaami shirasaa yadu-shaila diipam.h