Viṣhṇu Sahasranāmam 8

jīvō vinayitā-sākṣī mukundō-amita-vikramaḥ | 
ambhō nidhir-anant-ātmā mahe-dadhi-śayō antakaḥ || 55 ||

Jivo: One who as the Kshetragya or knower of the field or the body, is associated with the Pranas.
Vinayita-sakshi: One who witnesses the Vinayita or worshipful attitude of all devotees.
Mukundo: One who bestows Mukti or Liberation.
Amita vikramah: One whose three strides were limitless.
Ambhonidhir: One in whom the Ambas or all beings from Devas down dwell.
Anantatma: One who cannot be determined by space, time and causation.
Mahodadhi-sayah: One who lies in the water of Cosmic Dissolution into which all entities in the universe have been dissolved.
Antakah: One who brings about the end of all beings.

ajō mahārhaḥ svābhāvyō jitā-mitraḥ pramōdanaḥ | 
ānandō nandanō nandaḥ satyadharmā tri-vikrama || 56 || 

Ajo: ` A’ means Mahavishnu. So the word means one who is born of Vishnu i.e. Kama Deva.
Maharhah: One who is fit for worship.
Svabhavyah: Being eternally perfect He is naturally without a beginning.
Jitamitrah: One who has conquered the inner enemies like attachment, anger etc. as also external enemies like Ravana, Kumbhakarna etc.
Pramodanah: One who is always joyous as He is absorbed in immortal Bliss.
Anando: One whose form is Ananda or Bliss.
Nandano: One who gives delight.
Nandah: One endowed with all perfections.
Satya-dharma: One whose knowledge and other attributes are true.
Trivikramah: One whose three strides covered the whole world.

maharṣiḥ kapilācāryaḥ kṛtajñō medinī-patiḥ |
tripadas-tridaśā dhyakṣō mahā-śṛṅgaḥ kṛtānta-kṛt || 57 ||

Maharshih Kapilacharyah: Kapila is called Maharshi because he was master of all the Vedas.
Krutagyo: Kruta means the world because it is of the nature of an effect.
Medinipatih: One who is the Lord of the earth.
Tripadas: One having three strides.
Tridashadhyaksho: One who is the witness of the three states of waking, dream and sleep, which spring from the influence of the Gunas.
Mahashrungah: One with a great antenna.
Krutantakrut: One who brings about the destruction of the Kruta or the manifested condition of the universe.

mahā-varāhō gōvindaḥ suṣeṇaḥ kanakāṅ-gadī | 
guhyō gabhīrō gahanō guptaś cakra-gadādharaḥ || 58 ||

Mahavaraho: The great Cosmic Boar.
Govindah: `Go’ means Words, that is the Vedic sentences. He who is known by them is Govindah.
Sushenah: One who has got about Him an armed guard in the shape of His eternal associates.
Kanakangadi: One who has Angadas (armlets) made of gold.
Guhyo: One who is to be known by the Guhya or the esoteric knowledge conveyed by the Upanishads. Or one who is hidden in the Guha or heart.
Gabhiro: One who is of profound majesty because of attributes like omniscience, lordliness, strength, prowess etc.
Gahano: One who could be entered into only with great difficulty. One who is the witness of the three states of waking, dreams and sleep as also their absence.
Guptas: One who is not an object of words, thought etc.
Chakra-gada-dharah: One who has discus and Gada in hand.

vedhāḥ svāṅgo’ajitaḥ kṛṣṇo dṛḍhaḥ saṅkar-ṣaṇo acyutaḥ | 
varuṇo vāruṇo vṛukṣaḥ puṣka-rākṣo mahā-manāḥ || 59 ||

Vedhah: One who does Vidhana or regulation.
Svango: One who is oneself the participant in accomplishing works.
Ajitah: One who has not been conquered by anyone in His various incarnations.
Krishno: One who is known as Krishna-dvaipayana.
Drudhah: One whose nature and capacity know no decay.
Sankarshano Acyutah: Sankarshana is one who attracts to oneself all beings at the time of cosmic Dissolution and Acyuta is one who knows no fall from His real nature. They form one word with the first as the qualification – Acyuta who is sankarshana.
Varuno: The evening sun is called Varuna, because he withdraws his rays into himself.
Vaaruno: Vasishta or Agastya, the sons of Varuna.
Vrukshah: One who is unshakable like a tree.
Pushkaraksho: One who shines as the light of consciousness when meditated upon in the lotus of the heart. Or one who has eyes resembling the lotus.
Mahamanah: One who fulfils the three functions of creation, sustentation and dissolution of the universe by the mind alone.

bhagavān bhagah-ānandī vanamālī halā-yudhaḥ | 
ādityō jyōtir ādityaḥ sahiṣṇur gati-sattamaḥ || 60 ||

Bhagavan: The origin, dissolution, the bondage and salvation of creatures, knowledge, ignorance – one who knows all these is Bhagavan.
Bhagaha: One who withdraws the Bhagas, beginning with lordliness, into Himself at the time of dissolution.
Anandi: One whose nature is Ananda (bliss).
Vanamali: One who wears the floral wreath (Vanamala) called Vaijayanti, which consists of the categories of five Elements.
Halayudhah: One who in His incarnation as Balabhadra had Hala or ploughshare as His weapon.
Adityo: One who was born of Aditi in His incarnation as Vamana.
Jyotir-adityah: One who dwells in the brilliance of the sun’s orb.
Sahishnur: One who puts up with the contraries like heat and cold.
Gatisattamah: One who is the ultimate resort and support of all, and the greatest of all beings.

sudhanvā  khaṇḍa - para - śur dā - ruṇō  draviṇa - pradaḥ |
diva-spṛk  sarva - dṛg vyāsō  vācaspati arayōnijaḥ || 61 ||

Sudhanva: One who has got as His weapon the bow named Saranga of great excellence.
Khanda-parashur: The battle-axe that destroys enemies.
Daruno: One who is harsh and merciless to those who are on the evil path.
Dravinapradah: One who bestows the desired wealth on devotees.
Divah-spruk: One who touches the heavens.
Sarva-drug vyaso: One whose comprehension includes everything in its ambit.
Vachaspatir ayonijah: The Lord is Vachaspati because He is the master of all learning. He is Ayonija because He was not born of a mother. This forms a noun in combination with the attribute.

trisāmā  sāmagaḥ  - sāma  nirvā- ṇaṁ  bheṣa - jaṁ bhiṣak | 
saṁnyāsa -  kṛc chama-śyāntō  niṣṭhā - śāntiḥ  parāyaṇam || 62 ||

Trisama: One who is praised by the chanters of Sama-gana through the three Samas known as Devavratam.
Samagah: One who chants the Sama-gana.
Sama: Among the Vedas, I am Sama Veda.
Nirvanam: That in which all miseries cease and which is of the nature of supreme bliss.
Bheshajam: The medicine for the disease of Samsara.
Bhishak: The Lord is called Bhishak or physician.
Sanyasakrut: One who instituted the fourth Ashrama of Sanyasa for the attainment of Moksha.
Chamah: One who has ordained the pacification of the mind as the most important discipline for Sannyasins (ascetics).
Santo: The peaceful, being without interest in pleasures of the world.
Nishtha: One in whom all beings remain in abeyance at the time of Pralaya.
Santih: One in whom there is complete erasing of Avidya or ignorance. That is Brahman.
Parayanam: The state, which is the highest and from which there is no return to lower states.

śubhāṅgaḥ  śāntidaḥ  sraṣṭā  kumudaḥ  kuvale - śayaḥ | 
gōhitō - gōpatir - gōptā  vṛṣa - bhākṣō  vṛṣa - priyaḥ || 63 ||

Shubhangah: One with a handsome form.
Shantidah: One who bestows shanti, i.e., a state of freedom from attachment, antagonism, etc.
Srashta: One who brought forth everything at the start of the creative cycle.
Kumudah: ‘Ku’ means the earth. One who delights in it.
Kuvalesayah: ‘Ku’ means earth. That which surrounds it is water, so ‘Kuvala’ means water. One who lies in water is Kuvalesaya. ‘Kuvala’ also means the underside of serpents. One wholies on a serpent, known as Adisesha, is Kuvalesaya.
Gohito: One who protected the cows by uplifting the mount Govardhana in His incarnation as Krishna.
Gopatir: The Lord of the earth is Vishnu.
Gopta: One who is the protector of the earth. Or one who hides Himself by His Maya.
Vrushabhaksho: One whose eyes can rain all desirable objects on devotees. Vrushabha means Dharma and so one whose look is Dharma.
Vrushapriyah: One to whom Vrusha or Dharma is dear.

anivartī nivṛtt-ātmā saṁk-ṣeptā kṣemakṛcc-hivaḥ |
śrīvatsa-vakṣāḥ śrīvāsaḥ śrīpatiḥ śrīmatāṁ varaḥ || 64 ||

Anivarti: One who never retreats in the battle with Asuras. Or one who, being devoted to Dharma, never abandons it.
Nivrutatma: One whose mind is naturally withdrawn from the objects of senses.
Samkshepta: One who at the time of cosmic dissolution contracts the expansive universe into a subtle state.
Kshema-krut: One who gives Kshema or protection to those that go to him.
Chivah: One who purifies everyone by the very utterance of His name.
Shrivasta vakshah: One on whose chest there is a mark called Shrivasta.
Shrivasah: One on whose chest Shridevi always dwells.
Shripatih: One whom at the time of the churning of the Milk ocean Shridevi chose as her consort, rejecting all other Devas and Asuras. Or Shri mean supreme Cosmic Power. The Lord is the master of that Power.
Shrimatam-varah: One who is supreme over all deities like Brahma who are endowed with power and wealth of the Vedas.

śrīdaḥ śrīśaḥ śrīnivāsaḥ śrīnidhiḥ śrī-vibhāvanaḥ | 
śrīdharaḥ  śrīkaraḥ  śreyaḥ  śrīmān  lōka- trayā - śrayaḥ || 65 ||

Shridah: One who bestows prosperity on devotees.
Shrishah: One who is Lord of the Goddess Shri.
Shrinivasah: Shri here denotes men with Shri, that is, virtue and power. He who dwells in such men is Shrinivasa.
Shrinidhih: One who is the seat of all Shri, that is, virtues and powers.
Shri-vibhavanah: One who grants every form of prosperity and virtue according to their Karma.
Shridharah: One who bears on His chest Shri who is the mother of all.
Shrikarah: One who makes devotees – those who praise, think about Him and worship Him- into virtuous and powerful beings.
Shreyah: ‘Shreyas’ means the attainment of what is un-decaying good and happiness. Such a state is the nature of the Lord.
Shriman: One in whom there are all forms of Shri that is power, virtue, beauty etc.
Loka-trayashrayah: One who is the support of all the three worlds.

svakṣaḥ svaṅgaḥ śatā-naṅdō naṅdir-jyōtir-gaṇeśvaraḥ | 
vijit - ātmā  vidhey - ātmā  satkīrti - chinna-saṁśayaḥ || 66 ||

Svakshah: One who’s Akshas (eyes) are handsome like lotus flowers.
Svangah: One whose limbs are beautiful.
Shatanando: One who is non-dual and is of the nature of supreme bliss.
Nandir: One who is of the nature of supreme Bliss.
Jyotir-ganeshvarah: One who is the Lord of the stars, that is, Jyotirgana.
Vijitatma: One who has conquered the Atma that is the mind.
Vidheyatma: One whose form or nature cannot be determined as ‘only this’.
Satkriti: One whose fame is of the nature of truth.
Schinna-samsayah: One who has no doubts, as everything is clear to him like a fruit in the palm.

udīrṇaḥ  sarva - taś cak - ṣuranīśaḥ  śāśvatas-thiraḥ | 
bhūśayō  bhūṣaṇō  bhūtir - viśōkaḥ  śōkanā - śanaḥ || 67 ||

Udirnah: He who is superior to all beings.

Sarvata-chakshur: One who, being of the nature of pure consciousness, can see everthing in all directions.
Anisah: One who cannot have anyone to lord over him.
Sasvata –sthirah: One, who though eternal is also unchanging.
Bhushayo: One who, while seeking the means to cross over to Lanka, had to sleep on the ground of the sea-beach.
Bhushano: One who adorned the earth by manifesting as various incarnations.
Bhutir: One who is the abode or the essence of everthing, or is the source of all glorious manifestations.
Vishokah: One who, being of the nature of bliss, is free from all sorrow.
Shokanashanah: One who effaces the sorrows of devotees even by mere remembrance.

arciṣmān-arcitaḥ  kuṁbhō  viśuddh - ātmā  viśō - dhanaḥ | 
aniruddhō  apra-tirathaḥ  pradyum - nō  amita - vikramaḥ || 68 || 

Archishman: He by whose rays of light (Archish), the sun, the moon and other bodies are endowed with rays of light.
Architah: One who is worshipped by Brahma and other Devas who are themselves the objects of worship in all the worlds.
Kumbho: He who contains in Himself every thing as in a pot.
Vishuddhatma: Being above the three Gunas, Satva, Rajas and Tamas, the Lord is pure spirit and is also free from all impurities.
Vishodhanah: One who destroys all sins by mere remembrance.
Aniruddho: The last one of the four Vyuhas – Vasudeva, Samkarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. Or one who, cannot be obstructed by enemies.
Pratirathah: One who has no Pratiratha or an equal antagonist to confront.
Pradyumno: One whose Dyumna or wealth is of a superior and sacred order. Or one of the four Vyuhas.
Amita-vikramah: One of unlimited prowess. Or one whose prowess cannot be obstructed by any one.

kāla - ne - minihā  vīraḥ  śauriḥ  śūra - janeśvaraḥ | 
trilōk - ātmā  trilō - keśaḥ  keśavaḥ  keśihā  hariḥ || 69 ||

Kalanemi-niha: One who destroyed the Asura named Kalanemi.
Virah: One who is courageous.
Saurih: One who was born in the clan of Sura as Krishna.
Sura-janeshvarah: One who by his overwhelming prowess controls even great powers like Indra and others.
Trilokatma: One who in his capacity as the inner pervade is the soul for the three worlds.
Trilokeshah: One under whose guidance and command everything in the three words is functioning.
Keshavah: By Kesha is meant the rays of light spreading within the orbit of the sun.
Keshiha: One who destroyed the Asura named Keshi.
Harih: One who destroys Samsara, that is, entanglement in the cycle of birth and death along with ignorance, its cause.

kāma - devaḥ  kāma - pālaḥ  kāmī  kāntaḥ  kṛtā - gamaḥ |
anir - deśya - vapur - viṣṇur - vīrō - anantō  dhanañ jayaḥ || 70 ||

Kamadevah: One who is desired by persons in quest of the four values of life- Dharma,Artha, Kama and Moksha.
Kamapalah: One who protects or assures the desired ends of people endowed with desires.
Kami: One who by nature has all his desires satisfied.
Kantah: One whose form is endowed with great beauty. Or one who effects the ‘Anta’ or dissolution of ‘Ka’ or Brahma at the end of a Dviparardha. (the period of Brahma’s lifetime extending over a hundred divine years).
Krutagamah: He who produced scriptures like Shruti, Smruti and Agama.
Anirdeshya-vapur: He is called so, because, being above the Gunas, His form cannot be determined.
Vishnur: One whose brilliance has spread over the sky and over the earth.
Viro: One who has the power of Gati or movement.
Ananto: One who pervades everything, who is eternal, who is the soul of all, and who cannot be limited by space, time, location etc.
Dhananjayah: Arjuna is called so because by his conquest of the kingdoms in the four quarters he acquired great wealth. Arjuna is a Vibhuti, a glorious manifestation of the Lord.

brahmaṇ - yō  brahma - kṛd  brahmā  brahma  brahma - vivardhanaḥ | 
brahma - vid brāhmaṇō  brahmī  brahma - jñō  brāhmaṇa - priyaḥ || 71 ||

Brahmanyo: The Vedas, Brahmanas and knowledge are indicated by the word Brahma. As the Lord promotes these, He is called Brahmanya.
Brahmakrud: One who performs Brahma or Tapas (austerity).
Brahma: One who creates everything as the creator Brahma.
Brahma: Being big expanding, the Lord who is known from indications like Satya (Truth), is called Brahma. Or Brahma is Truth, Knowledge and Infinity!
Brahma-vivardhanah: One who promotes Tapas (austerity) etc.
Brahmavid : One who knows the Vedas and their real meaning.
Brahmano: One who, in the form of Brahmana, instructs the whole world, saying, ‘It is commanded so and so in the Veda’
Brahmi: One in whom is established such entities as Tapas, Veda, mind, Prana etc. which are parts of Brahma and which are also called Brahma.
Brahma-jnah -One who lives ever in Brahman, and so “knows” the nature of the Brahman. He, the Lord, being the very Brahman, no one knows His nature as He Himself can. The “waker” alone knows the waking- the “dreamer” and “sleeper” can never realise and experience the waking-state until they “become” the “waker.”
Brahmanapriyah: One to whom holy men are devoted.

mahākramō mahākarmā mahātejā mahō-ragaḥ | 
mahā-kratur mahā-yajvā mahā-yajñō mahā-haviḥ || 72 ||

Mahakramo: One with enormous strides. May Vishnu with enormous strides bestow on us happiness.
Mahakarma: One who is performing great works like the creation of the world.
Mahateja: He from whose brilliance, sun and other luminaries derive their brilliance. Or one who is endowed with the brilliance of various excellences.
Mahoragah: He is also the great serpent.
Mahakratur: He is the great Kratu or sacrifice.
Mahayajva: One who is great and performs sacrifices for the good of the world.
Mahayayagyo: He who is the great sacrifice.
Mahahavih: The whole universe conceived as Brahman and offered as sacrificial offering (Havis) into the fire of the Self, which is Brahman.

stavyaḥ  stava - priyaḥ  stōtraṁ  stutiḥ  stōtā  raṇa - priyaḥ | 
pūrṇaḥ  pūrayitā -puṇyaḥ  puṇya - kīrti  ranā - mayaḥ || 73 ||

Stavyah: One who is the object of laudations of everyone but who never praises any other being.
Stavapriyah: One who is pleased with hymns.
Stotram: A Stotra means a hymn proclaiming the glory, attributes and names of the Lord.
Stutih: A praise.
Stota: One who, being all –formed, is also the person who sings a hymn of praise.
Ranapriyah: One who is fond of fight for the protection of the world, and for the prupose always sports in His hands the five weapons, the discus Sudarshana, the mace Kaumodaki, the bow Saranga, and the sword Nandaka besides the conch Panchajanya.
Purnah: One who is self-fulfilled, being the source of all powers and excellences.
Purayita: One who is not only self-fulfilled but gives all fulfillments to others.
Punyah: One by only hearing about whom all sins are erased.
Punyakirtir: One of holy fame. His excellences are capable of conferring great merit on others.
Anamayah: One who is not afflicted by any disease that is born of cause, internal or external.

manōja - vas tīrthakarō  vasu - retā  vasu - pradaḥ |
vasupradō vāsudevō vasur-vasumanā haviḥ || 74 |

Manojavas: One who, being all pervading, is said to be endowed with speed likes that of the mind.
Thirthakaro: Tirtha means Vidya, a particular branch of knowledge or skill.
Vasureta: He whose Retas (Semen) is gold (Vasu).
Vasupradah: One who gladly bestows wealth in abundance. He is really the master of all wealth, and others who seem to be so are in those positions only because of His grace.
Vasuprado: One who bestows on devotees the highest of all wealth, namely Moksha.
Vasudevo: The son of Vasudeva.
Vasur: He in whom all creation dwells.
Vasumana: One whose mind dwells equally in all things.
Havih: Havis or sacrificial offerings

sadgatiḥ  satkṛtiḥ  sattā  sad - bhūtiḥ  sat - parāyaṇaḥ | 
śūra - senō  yadu - śreṣṭhaḥ  sanni - vāsaḥ  suyā - munaḥ || 75 ||

Sadgatih: One who is attained by such persons. Or who is endowed with intelligence of great excellence.
Sat-krutih: One whose achievements are for the protection of the world.
Satta: Experience that is without any difference of an external nature from similar objects or dissimilar objects as also internal differences is called Satta.
Sad-bhutih: The Paramatman who is pure existence and conscousness, who is unsublatable and who manifests Himself in many ways.
Sat-parayanah: He who is the highest Status attainable by holy men who have realized the Truth.
Suraseno: One having an army of heroic wariours like Hanuman.
Yadushreshthah: One who is the greatest among the Yadus.
Sannivasah: One who is the resort of holy knowing ones.
Suyamunah: One who is surrounded by may illustrious persons associated with the river Yamuna like Devaki, Vasudeva, Nandagopa, Yasoda, Balabhadra, Subhadra etc.

bhūtā - vāsō  vāsudevaḥ  sarvā - su - nilayō - analaḥ | 
darpahā  darpadō  dṛptō  durdharō th- āparājitaḥ || 76 ||

Bhutavaso: He in whom all the beings dwell.
Vasudevah: The Divinity who covers the whole universe by Maya.
Sarvasu-nilayo: He in whose form as the Jiva all the vital energy or Prana of all living beings dissolves.
Analah: One whose wealth or power has no limits.
Darpaha: One who puts down the pride of persons who walk along the unrighteous path
Darpado: One who endows those who walk the path of righteousness with a sense of self-respect regarding their way of life.
Drupto: One who is ever satisfied by the enjoyment of His own inherent bliss.
Durdharo-atha: One who is very difficult to be borne orcontained in the heart in meditation.
Aparajita: One who is never conquered by internal enemies like attachment and by external enemies like Asuras.

viśva - mūrtir - mahā - mūrtir - dīpta - mūrtir - amūrti - mān |
aneka - mūrtir - avyaktaḥ  śata - mūrtiḥ  śatā - nanaḥ || 77 ||

Vishvamurtir: One who, being the soul of all, has the whole universe as His body.
Mahamurtir: One with an enormous form stretched on a bedstead constituted of the serpent Adisesha.
Diptamurtir: One with a luminous form of knowledge.
Amurtiman: He who is without a body born of Karma.
Anekamuritr: One who assumes several bodies in His incarnations as it pleases Him in or to help the world.
Avyaktah: One who cannot be clearly described as ‘This’ even though He has many forms.
Satamurtih: One who, though He is of the nature of Pure Consciousness, assumes different forms for temporary purposes.
Shatananah: He is called one with a hundred faces to indicate that He has several forms.

ekō naikaḥ savaḥ kaḥ - kiṁ  yat- tat padam - anut - tamam | 
lōka - bandhur  lōka - nāthō  mādhavō  bhakta - vatsalaḥ || 78 ||

Eko: One without any kind of differences that are internal or that relate to similar objects external or to dissimilar objects.
Naikah: One who has numerous bodies born of Maya.
Savah: That Yagya in which Soma is made.
Kah: The syllable ‘Ka’ indicatesjoy or happiness. So it means one who is hymned as constituted of joy.
Kim: One who is fit to be contemplated upon, because He is the summation of all values.
Yat: One who is by nature existent. The word ‘Yat’ indicates a self-subsisting entity.
Tat: Brahma is so called because He ‘expands’.
Padam-anuttamam: Braman is ‘Pada’ or Status, because He is the goal of all Moksha-seekers. It is Anuttama, because It is that beyond which there is nothing else to be attained.
Loka-bandhuh –“Friend of the World.” Everyone is inextricably bound to Him in His Love Infinite, and He is the Father to all. Since there is no well-wisher or friend dearer than one’s own Father, He is the One unfailing sure Friend of the world of beings and things. The Lord serves for the uplift of the world whenever the creatures come to suffer sorrows created by their own immoral negative ways
Lokanathah: One to whom all the worlds pray.
Madhavo: One who was born in the clan of Madhu.
Bhaktavatsalah: One who has got love for devotees.

suvarṇa - varṇō  hemāṅgō  varāṅga - chandanāṅgadī | 
vīrahā  viṣamaḥ  śūnyō  ghṛtā - śīr acalaś- calaḥ || 79 ||

Suvarna varno: One who has got the colour of gold.
Hemango: One whose form is like that of gold.
Varangas: He the parts of whose form are brilliant.
Chandanangadi: One who is adorned with armlets that generate joy.
Viraha: One who destroyed heroes (Viras) like Kiranyakashipu for protecting Dharma.
Vishamah: One to whom there is no euql because nothing is comparable to Him by any characteristic.
Sunyah: One who, being without any attributes, appears as Sunya (emptiness).
Ghrutasir: One whose blessings are unfailing.
Achalas: One who cannot be deprived of His real nature as Truth, Intelligence and Infinity.
Chalah: One who moves in the form of air.

amānī  māna - dō  -mānyō  lōka - svāmī  trilōka-dhṛt |
sumedhā  medhajō  dhanyaḥ  satya - medhā  dharā - dharaḥ ||80

Amani: He who, being of the nature of Pure Consciousness, has no sense of identification with anything that is not Atman.
Manado: One who by His power of Maya induces the sense of self in non-self. Or one who has regard and beneficence towards devotees. Or one who destroys in the knowing ones the sense of identification with the non-self.
Manyo: One who is to be adored by all, because He is the God of all.
Lokasvami: One who is the Lord of all the fourteen spheres.
Triloka-dhruk: One who supports all the three worlds.
Sumedha: One with great and beneficent intelligence.
Medhajo: One who arose from Yaga (a kind of sacrifice).
Dhanyah: One who has attained all His ends and therefore is self-satisfied.
Satyamedhah: One whose intelligence is fruitful.
Dharadharah: One who supports the worlds by His fractiosn like Adisesha.

tejō - vṛṣō  dyuti - dharaḥ  sarva - śastra - bhṛtāṁ  varaḥ | 
pragrahō  nigrahō  vyagrō  naika - śṛṅgō  gadā - grajaḥ || 81 ||

Tejovrusho: One who in the form of the sun causes rainfall at all times.
Dyuti-dharah: One whose form is always brilliant.
Sarva-shastra-bhrutam-varah: One who is superior to all bearing arms.
Pragraho: One who accepts the offerings of devotees with great delight.
Nigraho: One who controls and destroys everything.
Vyagro: One who has no Agra or end. Or one who is very attentive (Vyagra) in granting the prayers of devotees.
Naikashrungo: One with four horns.
Gadagrajah: One who is revealed first by Mantra (Nigada). Or one who is the elder rbother of Gada.