Saraswati Namastubyam. Varade Kaamaroopini
Vidya arambham Karisyami. Siddhir Bhavatu Mey Sada
Oh Goddesss Saraswati, salutations to Thee. You are the Giver of Boons and You grant all our desires. As I begin my studies, please help me make it fruitful and make me successful in all my efforts.
from Sri Saraswati Stuthi (by Agasthya Muni)
Ya Kundendu Tushaara Haara Dhavala. Ya Shubhra Vastraavrita
Ya Veena Vara Danda Manditakara. Ya Shveta Padmaasana
Ya Brahma Achyutaha Shankara Prabrithibhih. Devai Sada Poojita
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagawati. Nishyesha Jyaadyaapaha
Oh Goddess Saraswati, who is fair as a jasmine flower, the moon or a snow flake, who is dressed in white and whose hands are adorned by veena, who is seated in a white lotus, to whom Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara pray, please protect us.