Viṣhṇu Sahasranāmam 5 - Meditation - śāntākāram


śāntākāram bhujaga śayanaṁ  padmanābhaṁ sureśaṁ

“We meditate ("vande") upon the master ("naatham") of the universe ("sarva-lokaika"), lord Vishnu, who is ever peaceful ("shaanta-aakaaram"), who lies on the great serpent-bed ("bhujaga-shayanam"), from whose navel ("nabhi") springs the lotus ("padma") of the creative power, who is the controller ("eesham") of the gods ("sura").
viśvādhāraṁ gagana-sadṛśaṁ  megha-varṇaṁ śubhāNgaṁ

... whose form ("aakaaram") is the entire universe ("vishwa"), and who is the foundation ("aadhaaram") for the universe. who is all pervading ("sadrusham") as the sky("gagana"), of the hue ("varnam") of the cloud ("megha"), of fascinating beauty ("shuba-angam"),
lakṣmīkāntaṁ kamalanayanaṁ  yogibhir-dhyāna-gamyaṁ

... the lord ("kaantam") of Laksmi, the lotus ("kamala") eyed ("nayanam"), he who dwells in the hearts ("bhir") of the yogis and who can be approached ("gamyam") and perceived through meditation ("dhyaana"),
vande viṣṇum bhava-bhaya-haraṁ sarva-lokaika-nātham..4.1

We pray to ("vande") to Lord Vishnu, he who is the destroyer ("haram") of the fear ("bhaya")  of samsara ("bhava") and the Lord of all ("sarva") the worlds ("loka").

This is the meditation upon the form of the lord, visualising Him thus in His, all-Comprehensive nature, and meditating upon Him, the seeker starts the vishnu-sahasranaama chanting.

[I salute vishNu, the sole master of the universe, whose presence is very peaceful, who stretches Himself on a serpent-bed (Adi-Sesha), who sports a lotus in His navel, who is one lord of all the devAs, who is the support of the worlds, who is subtle and All-pervading like the sky, whose complexion is like that of the clouds, whose form is very beautiful, who is the consort of Sri, whose eyes are like lotus petals, who is meditated upon by Yogis and who eradicates the fear of samsAra.]

megha śyāmaṁ pīta-kauśeya-vāsaṁ 
śrivatsāN-kaṁ kaustubhod-bhāsi-tāNgaṁ |
punyo-petaṁ puṇdarī-kāya-tākṣaṁ 
viṣṇuṁ vande sarva-lokaikanātam

This is the meditation upon the form of the lord, visualising Him thus in His, all-Comprehensive nature, and meditating upon Him, the seeker starts the vishnu-sahasranaama chanting.

[I salute vishNu, the sole master of the universe, whose presence is very peaceful, who stretches Himself on a serpent-bed (Adi-Sesha), who sports a lotus in His navel, who is one lord of all the devAs, who is the support of the worlds, who is subtle and All-pervading like the sky, whose complexion is like that of the clouds, whose form is very beautiful, who is the consort of Sri, whose eyes are like lotus petals, who is meditated upon by Yogis and who eradicates the fear of samsAra.]

Namah samasta bhutanam adi bhutaya bhubrite
Aneka rupa rupaya vishnave prabha vishnave

saśaNkha-cakraṁ sakirita-kuṇdalaṁ
sapīta-vastraṁ sarasī-ruhek-ṣaṇam

sahāra-vakṣḥas-thala kaustubha-śriyaṁ
namāmi viṣnuṁ śirasā caturbhujam

chāyā-yāṁ pārijātasya  hema- siṁhā sano - pari
āsīnamam budaśyam amāya-tākṣam alan-kṛtam

chandrā- nanaṁ catur - bāhuṁ  śrivatsāN-kita vakṣasaṁ
rukmiṇi satyabhāma bhyāṁ  sahitam kṛṣna māśraye

Shanka = conch, chakram = discus, kireeta = crown, kundalam = earrings, peeta = yello, vastram = clothes, saraseeruha-ekshanam = lotus like eyes, sahaara = wide, vakshasthala = chest, kaustubha = gemstone, namaami = I pray, sirasaa = bow down with my head, chaturbhujam = to the 4 handed one, chandraaananam = moon faced, baahum = hands.

I bow down my head before the four-handed vishNu who sports in His hand the Sankha and the discuss, who is adorned with a crown and ear-pendants, who wears a yellow cloth, whose eyes resemble a lotus and whose chest is beautified by many necklaces and the kaustubha mark.]

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